Thursday, September 6, 2012

Photos of Interest

The Cleveland Clinic - Brain Center - Las Vegas  

The white horse - Placita, CO

Blu Hydro-Trekking - Crystal River, CO

Oktoberfest - Snowbird - 2012

His Majesty


  1. i love the juxtaposition of the first and second photos here, Sharon! Even the 3rd one works with the first 2. the clown and girl w/ balloon is hilarious (thing angles! eep!). All very lovely.

    Now, can you do a bit of writing about one of the photos you took? RE: Studium & Punctum? I look forward to it!

  2. These photos are great. It's interesting to consider how these photos effect me. I find the clown disturbing. I find the building and the nautre photographs very magical.
